
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Preparing for SAS

In less than a month, I will set sail around the world and see sites that I’m sure will change my view of the world forever.

But, right now, all I can think about is if I have enough shoes, shirts, pants, shampoo, camera equipment, sunscreen, allergy pills and whatever else a college student needs for a semester abroad packed and ready to go. Honestly, I have nothing packed. I do have a somewhat-organized room of chaos in my house that holds all of the items I think will prepare me for my journey — including an extremely potent bottle of insect repellant that could double as a weapon in case of emergencies.

So far this year, I have been to doctor’s offices on numerous occasions to get medicine, immunizations and allergy shots to further prepare me for a fall outside of the USA. I have been poked with needles over 85 times this summer alone. I just have two more to go! — Rabies and Japanese Encephalitis. Exciting, I know.

After the shots, packing and paperwork hustle, I’m hoping I am prepared for whatever the world reveals to me in the following months.

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